by ezzat amier
There are a lot of reasons
why people come up with conspiracy theories, and most of them are based on myth
rather than fact. However, some conspiracy theories hold more weight than
others based solely upon the available evidence. In fact, some theories are
accepted as fact by the majority of the population, regardless of what the
record books say. One of the better known theories is that of the Titanic, the
early 20th-century ocean liner that sank on its maiden voyage.
The Conspiracy of the Titanic
New York Herald reports the disaster
Everyone knows the story of the Titanic and most of us have seen James
Cameron’s movie. Therefore, we’re already familiar with the story of the Titanic.
The story has even been told as a cautionary tale against arrogance and over
confidence. The Titanic was the first ship of its kind, deemed to be unsinkable
by its passengers and those who built it. There weren’t even enough secondary
boats for more than half of the passengers on board. There were also no red
safety flares upon the ship which could have been used to signal nearby ships
of the sinking Titanic. It seems shameful to cheapen such a tragic event with
silly conspiracy theories until you learn that the sinking of the Titanic was
the plot for a book published on the first day of 1898 fourteen years earlier.
Conspiracy or Catastrophe
This wreck of the Titanic seems too terrible to have happened by chance.
This is why most conspiracy theories are formed for events like the September 11th attacks or the Kennedy assassination, because it’s easier to believe that a
conspiracy was responsible for the terrible act. However, the book “The Wreck
of the Titan” seems to detail the exact events surrounding the sinking Titanic.
The names are even similar, giving legs to the theory that there was something
more sinister at work when the Titanic sank. There are other overwhelming
similarities between the two sea vessels, leaving a lot of questions about the
real ship and the people who built it.
Titan and the Titanic
Titanic in Black & White
Both ships were described as being unsinkable
and neither had enough lifeboats for the passengers on board. They both sank in
the Northern Atlantic Ocean in April after striking an Iceberg. However, the
similarities of the two ships aren’t the most disturbing details surrounding
the conspiracy theories. However, the theory would certainly be incomplete
without a rich villain with a sinister motive for committing the terrible act.
JP Morgan and the Federal Reserve Bank
Anyone who knows anything about financial
institutions is already familiar with the JP Morgan Chase Bank. This is one of
the world’s most prominent financial institutions and the largest bank in the
US. However, the success of this company was directly related to the founding
of the Federal Reserve. This is hardly ample evidence to support a conspiracy
theory, but it doesn’t stop there. The Titanic was funded and built by JP
Morgan. Mr Morgan was even scheduled to take the journey, but he canceled just
before the voyage took place. Among the passengers who did attend the doomed
voyage were members of the wealthy Astor family. Jacob Astor IV was the world’s
wealthiest man at the time and he was very vocal about his opposition of the
Federal Reserve. The conspiracy theory suggests that JP
Morgan read “The Wreck of the Titan”, built the Titanic ship and intentionally
had it sank. However, it’s this last part of the theory that
raises more questions than it answers.
Doubting the theory
Advertising Vinolia Otto Soap for the ca. 1900
Captain Edward Smith was an
experienced captain who had made similar voyages in less sturdy vessels. It was
his decision that led to the ship’s collision with the iceberg. Therefore, the
captain would have needed to be in on the conspiracy to murder more than 2,200
people including himself. If not for the fact that JP Morgan wasn’t at the helm
of the ship when it sank, this theory would be practically impervious to doubt.
However, it’s difficult to conceive a decorated ship captain killing thousands
of people and himself in an effort to help a rich banker. Had Smith survived
the wreck, the theory would be much more believable, but JP Morgan had no way
of forcing the ship to crash after it sailed for the new world.
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