Tuesday 7 March 2017

Mecca here I come

It’s been for the first time ever in twenty five years in my life, I had the chance went to Mecca. Our family planning to Mecca finally has become true. Vacation whilst to do Umra have been planned almost one year back and finally on 11 Jan 2017, I was arrived at the Holy land of Mecca with my family. This is so amazing and I had incredible feeling which is too happy and so grateful to step in to that place. There are lots of people with various kind of behaviours, personalities and identities which come from different countries I had seen there. As what as I know an mostly people know, Mecca is one of the Holy place for all Muslim which mean that Moslem from all over the world may come to perform their ibadah and make some visit at that place. In addition, Mecca is one of the places that Muslim’s du’a will be fulfil upon His permission. When I was there, my parents always ask me to perform ibadah, make du’a, do goods as much as I can because not everyone have a chance to go there. When I was at Mecca, I learn so many things. I learn about how time make me so discipline not only for pray, it’s also for doing any works. I am so blessed to be here as for my first experienced together in doing goods with family.

I was there for ten days. I was there not only perform the Umra, but I also can visit historic places like Ta'if where our honourable Prophet, the Prophet S.A.W ever dropped by to spread the teachings of Islam by preaching. While I was there, I was told by the tour guide on the history that has ever happened there that opposition people of Ta'if to Islam brought by Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. The history of this place called Ta'if affect me. I can’t imagine how difficult it is to spread the religion of Allah. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W reviled and even reviled him throw a stone by children in Ta'if. When the Prophet Muhammad never fought and did not want bloodshed. He prayed that Islam will be accepted there one day. Thank God, the result of his prayer blessing, Ta'if now become a place of Islam and is known for its grape crop. This story has gave me a lesson about patience. Any allegations that come we must face it with patience and fortitude. We should pray because du’a is the power of every Muslims.

When I was there, they took me to a place where they raise animals which have been reared and the rides by the Prophet Muhammad. It is a goat, sheep, horses and camels, and I also had the opportunity to taste the fresh camel and goat milk. I can’t feel how Prophet Muhammad walked in the distance thousands of kilometres with just riding horses and camels just to spread the teachings of Islam. We must honour the sacrifices made by him, and we should feel very lucky because we have a car that is comfortable to move to places that are far from us. Seven days in Mecca, it's time for me to leave the most holy place and move to another place where it is also one of the places that are sacred to all Muslims and it was Medina. This is Medina is where the Prophet Muhammad died and he was left there after he migrated from Mecca. People in Madinah very gentle and respectful of their guests regardless of age and the goods to be made as souvenirs and robes are very cheap compared to other places. While I was there, I feel very lucky to be able feel the atmosphere that is cool and comfortable.

With the cold weather, I had the opportunity to visit some historic places especially Uhud, Prophet Friend mosque, the tomb of the Prophet and his companions, the tomb of the martyrs who died during the war and many more. In Medina, I learned how to use the time well by way of prayer at the beginning of time and always early to attend a mosque for prayers. On 22 Jan 2017 I arrived Kuala Lumpur International Airport.  Up to now I can’t forget the memories of two of the sanctuary. I pray that given another chance to go there. In Shaa Allah.